Month: October 2018



There are times in motherhood when you look at your kid and can’t help but almost cry. Like when they rest their head on you. Or when they run into your arms. Or when their little hand reaches for your hand. Or when they say “wuv you mommy.” Those moments are something I wasn’t prepared for. Those are the moments that almost take my breath away. Those are the moments that I now understand when they said “nothing compares to being a mother.” These next 10 moments… well, they’re not as great. But in the end, they will still always be worth it. Well, I’ll let you know. Kiddddinnnngggg. Kind of.


1). You know you’re  a mom when  blow drying your sheets at 11:00 at night cuz she pee’d on them and you’re too tired to change them.

2). You know you’re a mom when you give your kid the middle bite of your burger. You know that’s love cuz the middle bite is the best part, it has all the good stuff.

3). You know you’re a mom when you eat the orange that your kid just sucked all the juice out of and then spit out. Cuz you don’t wanna waste a whole orange.

4). You know you’re a mom when you drink all the backwash, cuz they HAD to have your drink even if theirs is the exact same one.

5). You know you’re a mom when you walk around with your shirt on your left arm soaked in pee from carrying a kid who just majorly pee’d through her diaper.

6). You know you’re mom when you pay way too much for a peach white tea with lemonade at Starbucks so your kid will stop screaming their head off. Pretty sure tea is marked up roughly 700%.

7). You know you’re a mom when you start counting down the hours to nap time the second they wake up. Then after nap time counting down the hours till dad gets home. Then start counting down the hours till bed time. Then when they do fall asleep, you start counting down the hours until they wake up because you miss them.

8). You know you’re a mom when you complain about not getting a full nights sleep… and then when the day finally comes… you get up every three hours to check on them. Not getting a full nights sleep. Again.

9). You know you’re a mom when you’ve sweat through your shirt trying to get your babies car seat in the car. Or when you’ve wrangled your toddler into the car seat while they kick and scream the entire 8 mins it took to get them in.

10). You know you’re a mom when….. “Baaaaabyyyyy shark doo-doo-doodoo!” That is all.


Keep going Momma, we got this.