Category: Personal

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One of the views from the trails

Processed with VSCOcam with c3 preset

Trestle Creek Golf Course

Have you ever heard of Entwistle? Me either. But that’s where Dane asked if I’d like to live this summer. The golf course he has been working at for the last four years is right by this tiny little town. It has 534 people. Anyways, this golf course. It has this cabin about a kilometre up the gravel road from the course. I was not too keen on living in the woods, in a cabin. And then I saw it. I went from being not to keen, too most definitely NOT keen AT ALL. It had wood panelling on the walls, orange tiles that were cool in 1974, and even then I’m pretty sure you had to be pretty stoned to think that it looked good. It had about 769 dead flies on the floor too, along with red cupboards. Long story short, Dane painted the walls, painted the cupboards, changed the flooring, and put in new white baseboards. And we CLEANED. With every chemical we could get our hands on. Dane built me garden boxes, where we planted vegetables. I even grew my own lavender in a small flower garden.I went from not wanting to live there at all, to not wanting to leave. It’s almost October, and because the cabin isn’t winterized we won’t be able to stay much longer. But I am grateful for this summer. I’m grateful I gave it chance, and I fell in love.

Things I will miss:

1. You’re completely alone

2. The rain sounds one hundred times more beautiful, and the thunder sounds like it’s meant only for you to hear

3. The little froggies that become your music in the evenings

4. The campfires and the warmth it gives you

5. The wind that blows the tree tops and you can’t help but feel that maybe it’s someone saying “hello” to you

6. The sunshine that creeps in through the blinds to greet you

7. The quietness that you hear

8. The trees that surround you

9. The crane, squirrels and grouse that are our neighbours

10. The infamous bear that lives in the trail I do my runs on that I’ve never met

11. Perfect mornings when there is still dew on every single blade of grass

12. The peace that you feel while being here

13. The cotton candy sunsets

14. The simplicity of life, the pace of nature

15. Not having reception or wifi

Things I will not miss:

1. Not having reception of wifi (it’s a double edged sword you see)

2. Running out of water

3. Limited space in the kitchen

4. All the flies

5. The rustling in the woods on the trails when you’re convinced its that old bear people talk about

I don’t want to leave the cabin, this little home I have. I want to stay forever and pretend that there is nothing bad that happens in real life, outside these walls. I want to pretend that I am Laura Ingalls, wild and free. I want to pretend that I am some serious hippy that can easily live off the land. But we all know that isn’t true. I like pinterest, and shopping, and I like water that doesn’t smell like sewer. Isn’t it funny how we realize how much we appreciate something once it’s gone? Well, I suppose that’s how I am feeling right now. I know that my days at the cabin are coming to an end, and it’s now that I’m regretting not having more campfires, it’s now I’m regretting not exploring more trails, it’s now I’m regretting not listening to the birds for a little bit longer.

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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset


Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset



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